Auto Night Lamp Using High Power LEDs is
a circuit which turns ON the LED lights interfaced to it at night time
and it turns OFF the lights automatically when it is day. Usage of LEDs
is growing day by day due to the advantages they provide compared to the
conventional filament bulbs or fluorescent lamps.
They provide good
quality of white light with a better intensity compared to others. They
also consume less power compared to their alternatives. These are the
advantages which the LEDs encourage us to use them compared to their
In this article, we shall see the
circuit and the working of turning on or off of high power LEDs with
light intensity. The element which is used for sensing light in the
circuit is the light dependent resistor.
The resistance of the light
dependent resistor depends on the light incident on it. If the intensity
of light incident on it is more, then the resistance of the circuit
decreases. If the intensity of light incident on it decreases, then the
resistance of the device increases.
We are making use of this property
of the light dependent resistor to detect the light and thereby operate
the LEDs. We are arranging twenty five light emitting diodes in an array
such that five LEDs are in series and five such series LEDs are
arranged in parallel.
The transistors are used in saturation
mode. They are used as electronic switches in this mode. The transistor
BC547 is a general purpose NPN transistor which is used to further
switch the LEDs. This is a power transistor with a heat sink. The heat
sink helps the transistor to dissipate the generated heat into air so
that the transistor can handle higher power loads than it can do without
the heat sink.
The entire circuit along with the LEDs
is powered by a 12V DC power supply. A battery based DC power supply is
usually preferred. However, you can use a ac rectified and regulated
power supply.
The LEDs used in the circuit are high
powered white LEDs. The intensity of light produced by these LEDs equals
an ordinary fluorescent bulb. The lighting produced is sufficient for
reading or to do any other daily activity. The circuit can be assembled
on a printed circuit board with all the components neatly arranged and
the LEDs placed in order.
Try to place the LEDs maintaining a distance
of about 1 cm between the LEDs so that the the lighting will be well
distributed in your room.
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